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For decades, advancements in vehicle safety, such as seat belts, airbags, and crash-avoidance technology, significantly reduced traffic fatalities in the U.S. However, since 2020, the trend has reversed, with alarming increases in deadly crashes.

In 2022 alone, approximately 42,795 people lost their lives in car accidents—a startling statistic that highlights the need for vigilance on the road. And while early 2023 saw a slight decline in fatalities compared to projections, the numbers remain distressingly high.

Motor vehicle accidents continue to be the second leading cause of death for Americans aged 1 to 44, underscoring the urgent need to understand and address the root causes. Knowing the two leading causes of traffic fatalities (and even more!) helps avoid fatal accidents. 

That’s why we’ve compiled the ultimate guide. Keep reading for a complete breakdown of the top causes of vehicle accidents that are fatal and how we can work to prevent them to keep your family safe and protect your vehicles, too. 

1. Driving Under the Influence

Annual Deaths: Between 10,000 and 13,000

Drunk or drug-impaired drivers are involved in roughly 30% of all fatal car accidents each year. Impaired driving reduces reaction times, impairs judgment, and increases the risk of catastrophic outcomes.

How to Avoid: 

  • Plan ahead with a designated driver or rideshare if you’ll be drinking.
  • Don’t let friends or family drive under the influence—take their keys if needed.
  • If you’re hosting a party, ensure guests leave with a sober driver.

2. Speeding

Annual Deaths: Between 10,000 and 12,000

Speeding is a leading cause of accidents because it reduces a driver’s reaction time and increases the severity of collisions. Studies show that a greater number of vehicles on the road doesn’t necessarily result in more crashes, but higher average speeds do. Shockingly, aggressive speeding often saves drivers just 2–3 minutes on their journey.

How to Avoid: 

  • Leave early to avoid rushing.
  • Follow at a safe distance, especially at high speeds.
  • Avoid engaging with aggressive drivers.

3. Weather-Related Crashes

Annual Deaths: Over 5,000

Rain, snow, fog, and other inclement weather conditions contribute to thousands of accidents yearly, often due to reduced visibility or traction. Wet pavement alone accounts for nearly 70% of weather-related crashes, making it a silent but deadly hazard.

How to Avoid: 

  • Delay travel during severe weather when possible.
  • Reduce speed and increase following distance.
  • Use hazard lights and avoid standing water.

4. Reckless Driving

Annual Deaths: Nearly 5,000

Reckless driving behaviors, such as tailgating, running red lights, and weaving through traffic, show a blatant disregard for safety. These actions put everyone on the road at risk and can lead to devastating outcomes.

How to Avoid: 

  • Always follow traffic laws, no matter how much of a hurry you’re in.
  • Report reckless drivers to authorities when safe.
  • Stay calm and avoid retaliating against aggressive drivers.

5. Distracted Driving

Annual Deaths: Around 3,500

The rise of smartphones has made distracted driving an epidemic. Distracted driving is like driving blindfolded, whether it’s sending a quick text, scrolling social media, or entering an address into GPS. Taking your eyes off the road for 5 seconds at 55 mph is the equivalent of driving a football field with your eyes closed.

How to Avoid: 

  • Use “Do Not Disturb” mode on your phone while driving.
  • Program your navigation and playlists before hitting the road.
  • Stay alert for distracted drivers and keep your distance.

Final Thoughts: Safety Is in Your Hands

While external factors like weather play a role, most fatal accidents are preventable with responsible driving. Now that you know the top 5 causes of car collisions, you know how to avoid them. By addressing common causes such as DUI, speeding, and distracted driving, we can work together to reduce traffic fatalities.

At Happy Camper Insurance, we’re committed to protecting you and your loved ones on the road. From comprehensive auto coverage to specialty plans for RVs, we’re here to help you drive with peace of mind.

Pro tip? Make sure your policy covers emergency expenses so you’re prepared for anything. Just tell your Happy Camper agent to add it to your policy! Stay safe, and happy travels!