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A “not actual hours” designation on an RV’s title, or not actual mileage title means the exact engine hours of the vehicle are unknown. It may be written as “N” or “NAH” on the title. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about true mileage unknown for your used RV purchase. 

Quick Look

  • If you see “Not Actual Hours,” “N,” or “NAH” written on an RV’s certificate of title, it could mean that the hour meter was replaced or broken.
  • It could also indicate that someone intentionally tampered with the hour meter to change the recorded operating time of the RV.
  • Once this brand is added to a vehicle title, it cannot be removed—even if you apply for a new title.

What does it mean for an RV title to say “not actual hours?”

Engine hours are crucial in determining the value of used RVs. They indicate how long the RV’s engine has been running—and help potential buyers determine the remaining lifespan of the vehicle.

Different hour meter designations may be found on the back of a used RV’s title, one of which is “not actual hours.” The Not Actual Hours designation—sometimes written as (N) or NAH—indicates that the RV’s exact operating time is unknown and the hour meter reading may be misrepresenting its true usage.

How this happens:

There are several circumstances that could result in an hour meter discrepancy:

  • The hour meter was formerly replaced and now incorrectly displays the RV’s operating time
  • The hour meter broke, maxed out, or returned to zero, and remained broken for a period (or remains broken)
  • The hour meter was intentionally rolled back to hide the RV’s high usage (if proven, this is a violation of federal law)
  • The hours were recorded incorrectly on the disclosure statement due to human error

Important note: If you notice a “not actual hours” brand on a used RV’s title, you should know that it’s a permanent brand that cannot be changed and it could affect the RV’s resale value.

“True hours unknown” means the same thing as “not actual hours”

The designation of “true hours unknown” (sometimes abbreviated as THU) is essentially just another way of saying that the RV’s usage history is inaccurate. Both terms describe vehicles where the operating hours are misrepresented or when there’s evidence that the hour meter was tampered with or replaced.

How a not actual hours title affects the value of a used RV

In most cases, a “not actual hours” brand reduces the value of an RV, but there are still ways you can determine whether you should make the purchase.

Doing your due diligence by requesting a comprehensive vehicle history report and having a pre-purchase inspection done can help you make a more accurate estimate of an RV’s actual usage—and better determine its true value.

Risks and benefits of buying an RV with a THU or NAH title

Should you buy an RV with a title that says “True Hours Unknown” or “Not Actual Hours?” As with any used RV purchase, it’s a bit of a gamble, so it’s important to mitigate the risks associated with buying a vehicle with incorrect hour readings.

Here are steps to take before buying an RV with a “Not Actual Hours” brand:

  • Try to find the origin of the issue. Get a vehicle history report. You might notice an hour meter recording that drastically mismatches the rest of the RV’s record, making it easier to estimate where things went wrong and get an idea of the vehicle’s true usage.
  • Have a pre-purchase inspection done. This could help identify any possible problems or necessary maintenance that its hour meter reading may otherwise not reveal. Because RVs with “not actual hours” or “true hours unknown” titles are often undervalued, you could get a great deal on a valuable vehicle.
  • Take your time: Not every “not actual hours” RV is a good investment—which is why it’s important to do your research before making any purchases. If you wind up purchasing an RV that you believe was misrepresented by the seller, you’ll have a tough time proving your case in court, since most states require solid proof of damage.

Keep in mind that you could face challenges when it comes to finding insurance or financing the RV. Branded titles often come with associated risks that cause insurance companies to raise their rates, and loan providers may be reluctant to offer financing on vehicles that lack a clean title.

Additionally, if you ever decide to resell the RV in the future, you’ll face a lower resale value as a result of the hour meter discrepancy—and you may have difficulties finding a buyer.

The Final Word: Not Actual Mileage Title 

While navigating RVs with not actual mileage titles can seem daunting, having the right insurance partner can make all the difference. The Happy Camper insurance group specializes in providing coverage for all types of RVs, including those with branded titles. If you have a true mileage unknown title, our team of RV insurance experts understand the unique challenges these vehicles present and can help find the right coverage options for your situation.

Ready to hit the road with confidence? Visit our website to learn more about specialized RV coverage options and connect with their knowledgeable team. Our experts can help you understand your coverage options and get you the protection you need, no matter your RV’s title status.